Ultimate Towner Obstacle Course Updates for Sunday, May 11th 2014 Event
Ultimate Towner Obstacle Course Sunday, May 11th 2014 Jackson Hole, Wyoming – Event Updates & Overview
Towners! Prepare for the Ultimate Spring Event!!!! This is YOUR community obstacle course race in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Additional updates will continue on our EVENT PAGE and Facebook Event
Page (Please invite your friends to our pages.)
4 Miles * 25 Obstacles * 100% Inspiration
Early Registration Rates: $49 adults ($10 pre-race discount) $25 Youth
REGISTER TODAY, Wednesday April 30th by 2:00 PM to GUARANTEE YOUR EVENT T-SHIRT!!! Event
- Title Sponsor and event producer: Grand Dynamics – Team Building
www.granddynamics.com - Course Director: Tim Walther, President, Grand Dynamics
- Email: tim@granddynamics.com 307-733-1989 Office
- Event benefactor: Habitat for Humanity
- Event Theme: Celebrate Overcoming Your Obstacles
- Event briefing and messaging begins at 11:00 AM
- Ultimate Elevation & starting waves begin shortly after
Packet Pick Up and Additional Pre-event Registration:
- Cutty’s Thursday May8th 6 pm – 10 pm (Free Beer while supplies last!) OR
- Eco Fair Saturday, May 10th 1 PM – 3 PM
- Race Day Registration $59 – Race Day Packet Pick-up is an additional $10 for registered participants if you do
not pick up your packet in advance!
Needed! We need course builders, registration help and obstacle monitors. Please share and help us find volunteers! All volunteers get T-Shirt, Free meal on event day, Croakies, Love Life Sticker and the chance to be a part of legendary Ultimate Towner Volunteer team. Volunteers who support course set up are eligible for registration discounts.
Info: The “around the town” course will feature fun and challenging obstacles with inspirational themes including “Love Life Wall.” Event celebration theme is Overcome Your Obstacles.
Participants are encouraged to dedicate their race to a personal or professional obstacle they have overcome or are
overcoming! The final course map will be revealed a few days prior to the event and follows a similar route including Snow King, Rodeo Grounds, Miller Park, Rec Center and Mike Yokel with new twists, turns, mud and mystery obstacles. Race timing will be provided by Caren Ware of It’s About Time.
Sponsors! THANK YOU for your
support. Participants, please support these generous local business leaders! There is STILL TIME TO SPONSOR THE EVENT to make this the best it can be. Please contact us to find out how! Grand Dynamics International is our Title Sponsor and offers incredible team building and leadership training in Jackson Hole and around the country.
Please inquire about the amazing program options for your Jackson Hole teams! “Up Towner” Team Obstacle
Sponsors include:
- Spence Law Firm
- Spackmans and Associates
- St. John’s Hospital
- Teton Orthopedics
- Snow King Hotel
- Cutty’s Bar and Grill
Kind Towner Sponsors:
- Teton Recycle Center: Obstacles
- Snow King Mountain: Obstacles
- Big-O Tires: Obstacles
- Teton County Fair Grounds: Obstacles
- Mountain Town Maintenance: Course set up
- Idaho Falls Magazine: Event promotions
- KMTN Radio: Event promotions
- Canvas Unlimited: Tent
- Wright Training: 10 Team Entries
- Event DJ Rocky Vertone of 4X4 productions will spin high energy tunes
- Set list based on registrants’ favorite inspirational songs.
Post event party:
- Beer from Roadhouse Brewery (All participants get one free beer)
- Delicious eats from Genevive Catering (Free meals for event volunteers)
- Awards for fastest individuals and teams
- Awards for best costumes
Sponsored prizes:
- Ultimate Towner Finishing Medals for youth participants
- Ultimate Towner Croakies
- Wyoming Whiskey
- Tomahawks from Mountain Man Toy Shop
- Love Life Stickers by TGT productions
- Seeking True North books by Grand Dynamics
- Flowers for MOMS!!!!
- Regional Television Commercials (Watch it here)
- Idaho Falls Magazine
- Valley News Idaho
- JH News and Guide Daily and Weekly through event day
- Social media regional and targeted Campaigns
- KMTN Radio
- Local world of mouth and Towner sharing!
- Lodging Tax Supported Event
ACTIONS: Share our facebook page, invite friends, attend our pre-race party, contact our race director to
sponsor, volunteer or clarify any questions. Register and find out more at www.ultimatetowner.com